
Fallout shelter pc save editor scrap
Fallout shelter pc save editor scrap

fallout shelter pc save editor scrap

I constantly ran into desync issues in combat against NPCs, allowing enemies to damage me with melee attacks from over ten feet away. Ideally, this allows one central server to keep track of players and their actions and keep everybody in sync.įor whatever reason, Fallout 76 has problems with keeping everything synced up properly. Most modern games are hosted on servers owned by the game developer that all players can connect to. This gives all players a central location to connect to and pass information through. For the uninitiated, all multiplayer games must be hosted somewhere. If you’ve spent any time in the access survival game genre, those two words probably just sent a shiver up your spine. I’ve already covered things like graphical fidelity and performance in my technical review, but there is one issue I really want to drive home: server desync. Their logic, I assume, is that this would encourage people to talk to each other and team up to conquer the Wasteland. This means that voice chat is either always on, or always off. In their infinite wisdom, Bethesda failed to implement a push-to-talk setting into Fallout 76. I tried my best to establish contact with my fellow humans, with poor results. However, since this is an online game you can attempt to alleviate your crippling loneliness by reaching out to any fellow players you happen to cross paths with. This is a novel idea at first, but the loneliness and lack of meaningful characters will eventually drive anyone mad. Every location feels like it has been long abandoned, or you just missed running into someone before they succumbed to the dangers of the Wasteland. Every quest is delivered via a Holotape or a robot. Trudging across West Virginia without friends is an overwhelmingly lonely experience. As varied as exciting as the actual environments of Appalachian Wasteland are, the whole world feels strangely empty.

Fallout shelter pc save editor scrap